Other Experiments
In order to see if our materials of choice satisfy the requirements to resist 120°C, we put both printed materials in a vacuum oven at 120°C for 2 hours. The TGA measurements already told us the material did not degrade at this temperature, but how do they behave ?
After two hours we looked at the results. It the case of the Flexifil sample, there was no visible effect, except maybe it being a bit more flexible.
By Roselien

However, the ABS sample behaved differently: at room T, the material is not flexible at all. Once heated at 120 °C, it however becomes malleable. The sample was quite thin, and we were thus able to bend is at nearly 90°. The sample rapidly cooled down, and the applied deformation remained.
To see how far we could deform the material, we heated the ABS print again, and bended it even more. This time, upon cooling, the material cracked.