Taulman Bridge
> Chemical composition and synthesis
The nylon Taulman Bridge is a derivative of Taulman 645. Nothing could be found about its real composition or what makes him different of Taulman 645 except that use their strongest base polymer with a percentage of Taulman 645. (source: http://taulman3d.com/bridge-nylon.html)
The Taulman has been investigated in details and its chemical composition and synthesis is available here.
The Taulman Bridge is transparent it has an opacity of 45%. The density of the Taulman Bridge is 315.6 Kg/m³. The thermal properties of the Taulman Bridge are similar to the one of Taulman 645, this is due to the fact that Taulman Bridge possess a fraction of Taulman 645. Taulman Bridge mechanical properties are quite different, it has a Young’s modulus nearly 3 times lower than Taulman 645 and can be expanded at break at 248.2% whereas the Taulman 645 limit is only 120%.
> Properties
> As printing material
The Taulman Bridge combines the strength of the nylon 645 and the price of ABS and PLA thermoplastics. This Bridge is basically like the Taulman nylon 645, but with different improvement.
First, its adhesion to the platform has been increased which was a trouble for nylon based polymers.
In addition to this, the Bridge nylon has a reduced the water up-take, which enables it to last longer in wet environment. They also reduced the shrinkage, and lowered the price.
> Conclusion
The Taulman Bridge is a derivative from the Taulman 645, it is its cheaper version, lighter more deformable and that remain stronger than ABS and PLA for a comparable price.
It also improved the adherence to the printing bed, but it was not chosen for the drone because the ABS easyfill remained a very light and easy to print material. The Taulman is thus an interesting material but was not one of our first choices.
> Bibliography

By Brice