The design of the drone was realized using Solidwork 2016. Several challenges were present and a list of requirements was needed.
The requirement that were ask by the course:
Ideally have soft bumpers to ensure protection from shocks in the possibly violent streams of gases;
have a hard core capable to resist standard mechanical stresses up to 120°C;
be of low cost for possible regular replacement;
have a simple design, for possible printing in less developed countries.
These requirements were taken into account during the design. However, this was not enough to properly define all the different constraints for the drone. Thus additional specification were added in order to design a functional drone.
It had to:
Be able to contain all the electronics and mechanical parts that were provided in order to work properly;
To have 4 arms to hold the motors and the blades. The distance between the blades must be large enough to avoid collision;
To have access to the micro usb port of the drone;
To be able to connect the motor to the electronic circuit;
To provide space for a camera;
To protect the electronics and different parts;
To place the different components in order to have a balanced weight to maintain equilibrium of the drone;
To minimize the weight.
Due to the fact that no one in the group was familiar with a modeling program the design was made by successive trials and errors. Different changes in the design were made to adapt to the size of the components, or to change the dimensions and include tolerance. The 3D printer, even though being a rather precise tools, cannot make perfectly fitting parts.
The challenge was to conceive the drone that could meet all those specification. The trickiest part was to imagine how everything could fit inside the drone while maintaining a small height to width ratio in order to keep the drone stable. What’s more, the battery was to be centered to balance the drone and the electrical had to remain accessible in case of problems.
Due to a discussion about the bumpers, we thought that it was asked to have additional bumpers to protect the blades of the drone. The design was thus a bit modified to add those bumpers. The design is exactly the same as before, the only difference are the bumpers protecting the blades.
​The printed version will be a bit smaller than the previous one, this is due to the fact the the dimensions at current scale exceed the printer’s capacity. Those dimensions were fixed by the component. If the components were a bit smaller (specially the electronic circuit) or if the printer was a bit bigger, there would be no problem.
> Specifications of the drone design
> Our design

The final design of the drone is a rectangular box with the axes on the corner of the box.
Top vue of the drone and the electronics.
The battery inside the drone.
The battery, easy to place thanks to its support.
Access to the micro-usb, protected by a plug.
Bumpers made of FlexiFil are fixed to the four motors to prevent shocks on the drone. They are depicted on the figures below. There are different ways to fix the bumpers. First of all, it was not investigated in the work but we could have made a dual printing with both ABS easify and FlexiFil. However due to the conical design of the bumpers it would have been difficult to print them starting from the tip. A second way is to fix them with glue. We choose this way due to its ease and to respect the deadline. However it may not be suitable for the application of our drone. In fact, the heat resistance of the glue must be investigated as well as the chemical resistance. A third option is use a screw but then the adherence between the screw and the polymers at high temperature should be also investigated. The three first options are not suitable for easy bumpers replacement. A solution could be to print interlocking pieces. Nevertheless the design should take into account the softening of the polymers at high temperature.
The drone can be opened or closed by using a cap that cover the entire drone and seals it. However it is easy to remove due to an “easy access” slot.

Drone design with the additional bumpers to protect the blades.
All the different cables remain inside the drone to protect them from the environment. The design enable space for the electronics and to center the battery. What’s more, the battery is easy to place and there is a permanent access to the electronics which can be removed, thus providing a drone that can be modified by the user.
The drone also provide space for a camera. The dimensions of the volume are based on the camera: “XCSOURCE 700TVL HD Lentille Camera Grand Angle Mini FPV”. (see https://www.amazon.fr/XCSOURCE-Lentille-Sensitif-Photographie-RC453/dp/B01MRS1C78/ref=sr_1_7/254-2132219-7618602?ie=UTF8&qid=1491070337&sr=8-7&keywords=cam%C3%A9ra+pour+drone).
​Here is a version of the drone without the bumper, the electronics fits inside the drone which was printed at regular dimension. The version with bumpers is a bit smaller due to the maximal size the printer can build.

Space provided for the camera.
The drone also possess an access to the micro usb port on the electronic chips. This access is protected by a flexifil plug that blocks humidity, heat and dust.
> Conclusion
The design of the drone was a tricky part, the difficulty came from the fact that none of the members from the group had neither experience in design, general knowledge about drones nor being familiar with a design software. The constraints on the drone had to be strictly defined so that a design was possible. The biggest difficulty in the design was to imagine how to conceive the main box in order that everything fitted inside. Our solution met the different constraints, is easy to print because there is only need of ABS easy fill to print all the drone and the bumpers can be printed separately then added.

By Brice

The final drone printed can be observed on the figure below. Bumpers in FlexiFil and electronics need to be added to the structure on order to obtain the operational drone.